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All questions on the exam relate to the competencies outlined in "Description of Specialty Practice: Clinical Electrophysiologic Physical Therapy."

The following is an outline summarizing the approximate examination percentages for each content domain from the DSP. The outline also contains information on the content based on patient and client conditions. Examination questions can represent knowledge areas, professional roles and responsibilities, and patient and client management.

Outline Summary

A. Anatomy (7% - 14 questions)
B. Neuroscience (7% - 14 questions)
C. Physiology (7% - 14 questions)
D. Clinical Sciences (9% - 18 questions)
E. Critical Inquiry (5% - 10 questions)
F. Professional Roles and Responsibilities (5% - 10 questions)

A. Examination:
     1.History, Systems Review, Reexamination (5% - 10 questions)
     2. Tests and Measures - (15% - 30 questions)
B. Evaluation:
     1. Normal and Abnormal Electrophysiological Characteristics (12.5% - 25 questions)
     2. Interpretation of Abnormal Electrophysiological Findings (12.5% - 25 questions)
C. Diagnosis (5% - 10 questions)
D. Prognosis (5% - 10 questions)
E. Interventions (5% - 10 questions)

  • Coordination, Communication, and Documentation;
  • Patient and Client-Related Instruction

TOTAL 100% - 200 questions

Diagnoses and clinical impressions that may be represented on the examination include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Entrapment neuropathy (carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, etc.)
  • Radiculopathy
  • Polyneuropathy (demyelinating, axonal, hereditary, etc.)
  • Motor neuron disease
  • Myopathy (muscular dystrophy, myositis, etc.)
  • Neuromuscular junction defect (myasthenia gravis, botulism, etc.)